Re: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux

Olivier Galibert (
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 15:50:28 +0100

On Thu, Mar 26, 1998 at 04:27:01PM +0200, Jari Soderholm wrote:
> So if you want make Linux popular among other people than Unix hackers
> you will need something else than X.
> Things what people want (this may be really difficult for some to believe)
> - graphics interface which is so low level that it gives the programmer
> complete freedom (for example implement even X above it)
> - is simple to learn
> - is stable
> - takes little memory.
> - offers complete control for graphics hardware.
> - Is fast
> These above are all opposite on what X offers.

That is wrong. This is what low-level hackers want.

What people want is, at user level:
- A nice flashy looking GUI used by all applications
- More or less working inter-application communications (dnd, c/p)
- Programs, programs, and programs

and at programmer level:
- Powerful widgets with everything already included (i18n, threading,
layout, high-level copy/paste, drag-n-drop, ...)

Other considerations like speed, resources taken or remote access are

The success of Netscape Communicator, Enlightenment or Kde proves

All that is completely outside the scope of the kernel[1].

This does not mean that something like kgi is good or bad. And it is
true that X is humungus, monolithic and has its problems. But let's
not have a wrong grip on the reality. X more or less does its job.


[1] Some things like garbage-collecting sysv-like possibly distributed
IPCs may help though.

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