Re: 1GB Limit on EXT2FS?

Chip Salzenberg (
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 14:15:20 -0500

I recently saw an ext2fs update from Remy (or was it Ted?) that expanded
ext2fs max file size using the methods that have long been discussed here.
I wouldn't be surprised to see that update in 2.1.x and thus in 2.2.

According to Khimenko Victor:
> As far as I am know this is NOT ONLY ext2 filesystem problem. Really
> it's more deep problem. It's not kernel only problem even. On i386,
> for example, you have lseek call with long (31bit on i386!)
> parameter and bunch of other calls which will prevent from working
> with files > 2Gig.

Look again: There is already an llseek call, and the kernel keeps
track of current position with a "long long".

There are memory mapping issues when exceeding 2G, but that's a
separate issue.

Chip Salzenberg                - a.k.a. -               <>
"I brought the atom bomb.  I think it's a good time to use it."  //MST3K

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