Re: More FD's in 2.0.33

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
24 Mar 1998 21:54:16 +0100

In article <>,
Shane Anderson <> wrote:
>I'm looking for the *RIGHT* way to get more open files in 2.0.33.
>I've downloaded Michael O'Reilly's patch, but it had problems with
>portmapper (on RedHat 5.0 w/ all the latest updates) crapping
>out--apparently due to bad file descriptors, which I think was due to
>the dynamic allocation done in this patch.

I believe it's the portmapper or the library RPC calls that fail if
you have too many file descriptors. To be precise, more than 1024.
And a fd_set has 1024 bits .. surprised? :)

3000 fd's is too much. 1024 is usually enough and won't break anything.
So just fix the patch to give you 1024 fd's instead of 3000.

Alternatively install an /etc/initscript like this (mode 755!) and

#! /bin/bash

if [ `ulimit -S -n` -gt 1024 ]
ulimit -S -n 1024

eval exec "$4"

It will set the soft limit systemwide to 1024 fd's. An application can
still rise it to the hardlimit (3000) if needed.

Even better would be to put this in the kernel; by default a softlimit
of 1024 fd's and a hardlimit of 3000, but oh well...


 Miquel van Smoorenburg | Our vision is to speed up time,  |   eventually eliminating it.

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