Re: Final 2.0 kernel?

Nigel Metheringham (
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 18:01:19 +0000 said:
} I know this question has been asked a few times and I have seen the
} URL's flying around a bit. However, is still
} reporting 2.0.33 as the latest stable kernel and I'll take it's word
} for it. Are there plans for a formal 2.0.34 release, and if so, how
} close are we? I'm actually on the bleeding 2.1 kernel series myself,
} but I'm doing some work with 2.0 in a few places and I'd like to
} appraise the 33-34 diff, if/when one becomes available. :)

Much as I hate to say it, it looks like we are going to produce some stuff
that *ought* to go into the 2.0.x series.


Masq has a set of bugs in 2.1.x and I believe (but have not tested,
although some recent bug reports certainly tend to confirm) that the same
set also exist in 2.0.x. The problem is that (some of) the checksum
generate/check routines do not correctly handle ip options resulting in
mangled/dropped packets. This is a pretty rare problem at the moment, but
David Miller's funky new network code slops options all over the place.
This would mean that without a fix we would have an inter-operability
problem between 2.0/2.2 kernels.

However I haven't had the time to nail the problem yet....


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