lost mail

Ragnar Hojland Espinosa (root@lightside.ddns.org)
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 10:03:19 +0100 (MET)

Had a little of fs corruption and lost 1-2 incoming emails prolly of
people from linux-kernel. If you sent anything on Monday which I didn't
reply to, please resend (got yours, David)

ObBug 1: 2.1.90 reboot warm does a cold one on my system (Cyrix 6x86MX)

ObBug? 2: If I enable CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDMA, I get data corruption and
crashes even with using_dma=0 .. okay, reset and boot with previous
kernel that worked fine. Same problem, keeps going on until I power
cycle. Starts happening between 2.1.67 and 2.1.69.. I don't remember
right now. If this is an expected behaviour, I'd like to suggest to
add the fact that you might have to power cycle on Configure.help ..

ObBug 3: 2.1.90 froze three times (running for 6 days): 2 shutting down
xwindows, and 1 when I changed /proc/sys/kernel/kmod_unload_delay.
And perhaps kmod.txt could mention that you still have to depmod -a.

____/| Ragnar Hojland (tech.support@redestb.es) Fingerprint 94C4B
\ o.O| 2F0D27DE025BE2302C
=(_)= "Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for 104B78C56 B72F0822
U chaos and madness await thee at its end." hkp://keys.pgp.com

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