Re: still sound problems....

Geoff Hoff (
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 12:20:26 -0500

> On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Matthew Kirkwood wrote:
> > Try removing /lib/modules/2.1.89, and modules_install'ing again. You'll
> > likely find that uart401 hasn't been built.
> no luck :(
> yoda:/usr/src/linux# rm -rf /lib/modules/2.1.89
> yoda:/usr/src/linux# ls /lib/modules/2.1.89
> ls: /lib/modules/2.1.89: No such file or directory
> yoda:/usr/src/linux# make modules_install
> yoda:/usr/src/linux# ls /lib/modules/2.1.89
> block cdrom fs ipv4 misc net scsi
> yoda:/usr/src/linux# modprobe sound
I believe that this is the problem. In 2.1 kernels with modularized sound you
need to load the module specific to your sound card, for example with the sound
blaster you need to do a "modprobe sb". That should load sound and all the
other required modules. If you want this to work with kerneld/kmod then add
"alias char-major-14 sb" to your /etc/conf.modules

Geoff Hoff

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