Re: 2.1.90-x breaks ifconfig somehow..

David S. Miller (
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 22:07:01 -0800

Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 15:59:45 +1000 (EST)
From: David Burrows <>

Those numbers don't look right at all, everything seems to be
working fine.. Why is this? Its impossible that the ppp device
hasn't sent a packet successfully, because I'm using it and its
working fine.. Same with the loopback device, and as far as I can
tell eth0 is working perfectly.

I've tried the latest version of net-tools, with the same result.

ifconfig looks in the wrong place in the /proc/net/dev output for
various statistics. It's been this way for some time, ever since the
addition of the bytes tx and bytes rx fields were added to the
output, they just so happen to be where error packets used to be

David S. Miller

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