Re: [patch] 2.1.89, 2GB physical memory, CONFIG_MAX_MEMSIZE

Regis Duchesne (
Mon, 9 Mar 1998 12:00:08 +0100 (CET)

> +if [ "$CONFIG_MORE_MEM" = "y" ]; then
> +hex ' Max physical memory' CONFIG_MAX_MEMSIZE 0x40000000
> +else
> +CONFIG_MAX_MEMSIZE=0x40000000
> +fi
> endmenu
Please use

define_hex CONFIG_MAX_MEMSIZE 0x40000000

in the 'else' statement instead or you will break configuration tools like
oldconfig, config, menuconfig and xconfig

Regis "HPReg" Duchesne - Engineering Student at ***** ******** *****
(O o) I use Linux & 3Com (1135 KB/s over 10Mb/s ethernet)

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