Elaborate TTY documentation

Spirilis (spirilis@mindmeld.dyn.ml.org)
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 17:49:08 -0500 (EST)

Does anybody know of a good source for elaborate TTY documentation? (besides
the source code ;) ... that stuff confuses me) especially concentrating on
documentation of the TIOC ioctl() calls and controlling TTYs and stuff...

I thank anyone for their response

__ /--\
| | \WM/ / ^ \
| | || / Linux \
| ^| || /___________\
\ / _
\ Spirilis / One _ _
\ spirilis@mindmeld.dyn.ml.org / Way _ (*) (Joe the
\ / \ | _/|\ Windows user)
\ hannibal@bitsmart.com / - * /_\ _
\ / _ (%) (Jon the
\ / _/|\ MacOS
\ / /_\ user)
\ / _
. (Hell) _
16000 ? Z 0:00 (human <zombie>) (Gates) _

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