Re: GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source

Torgeir Veimo (
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 02:11:40 +0000

Linus Torvalds wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Feb 1998, Peter-Paul Witta wrote:
> >
> > 2.) is there any movement to include GGI into the kernel distribution? if
> > not, why not? is it *bad code* (tm) ?
> It's not a question of good or bad code, it's a question of what it buys,
> and whether people are using it and whether it can be considered stable
> and generic enough to warrant inclusion in the standard kernel. So far I
> haven't heard enough of people using it to even consider it.

It's also a chicken&hen kinda problem. ;)

Seriously. One cannot do direct rendering OpenGL-in-a-window under X
without GGI. The issue is multiple threads accessing the hw
simultanously with hw graphics context switching. You don't want the X
server to handle that.

I hope that by the time the GLINT Mesa driver is ready, ggi is allready
in 2.3.*.

There's an article at
which describes the why's and hows. This is for IRIX but the problems
and sollutions applies to Linux as well.

Torgeir Veimo, Vertech AS,

email:, mobile: 90673881, office: +47 55563755

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