Enhanced Linux Sound Architecture

Jaroslav Kysela (perex@jcu.cz)
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 21:55:06 +0100 (MET)


As I announced before week, I'm working on new sound driver +
libraries for Linux. I renamed project from 'The Ultra Sound Driver' to
'Enhanced Linux Sound Architecture' (ELSA). Previous name is used as
nickname. New name better describe new project. You can reach this
project at http://ultra.jcu.cz.
I released today version 0.0.3 of driver which have more clean
sources and supports two soundcards AMD InterWave (GUS PnP etc.) and
ESS AudioDriver ES1688 (GUS Extreme etc.). There is supported only MIXER
& PCM - both emulated OSS/Lite devices, but native MIXER API is totaly
new. Applications which works for example: Quake, RealVideo 5.0b3,
mpg123, RAT, etc... I strongly need some response from general kernel
hackers if I'm on right way. Please, look shortly to current sources.
I welcome any response to my code.
Alan Cox notices that Thomas Sailer works on some modularized
sound driver, too. Unfortunately Thomas Sailer don't reply to my
messages, so I don't know anything about his work. I don't know if his
driver is only recoded OSS/Lite. ELSA driver is new work which want
solve all coding abnormalities which OSS/Lite have.
Project needs some other programmers to done basic work in some
acceptable time. I need help with ELSA Kernel API & code (recoding
low-level code from OSS/Lite), ELSA Library API & code and with ELSA
Configuration Manager to make setup easier for final users which don't
know anything about /etc/conf.modules, kerneld, initrd etc.. If you have
interrest - you can found on mentioned URL http://ultra.jcu.cz two mailing
lists for developing & supporting ELSA project. On this URL is also plan
for ELSA project (look to API button). Mail me any notice, question,
request etc.

Join to me, we can make sound better...

Jaroslav Kysela

Jaroslav Kysela <perex@jcu.cz>
Academic Computer Centre, University of South Bohemia
Branisovska 31, C. Budejovice, CZ-370 05 Czech Republic

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