Re: anyone know of a driver...

Adam D. Bradley (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 11:31:58 -0500 (EST)

> Anyone know if there is a Linux driver for Dialogic Voice Cards?

No, but I know of several companies that would love to see one because
they're sick of using SCO.

Unfortunately, Dialogic has been less than forthcoming with tech
details, and they're not the kind of cards you generally find lying
around waiting to be reverse-engineered, nor do most Linux hackers
have a telecom environment available in which such a driver could be
properly hammered.

Let me know if you find anything,

Things look so bad everywhere      Adam D. Bradley
In this whole world what is fair        Boston University Computer Science
We walk blind and we try to see             Ph.D. student and Linux hacker
Falling behind in what could be  ---->  Bring me a Higher Love  ---->  <><

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