Re: IRQ 255?

Kurt Garloff (
Thu, 29 Jan 1998 08:20:09 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Brian Gerst wrote:

> XFree86 cannot use the interrupts, because it is a user-space program.
> Interrupts are only available within the kernel. GGI however can use
> the interrupts, since the KGI part of it puts low-level video drivers
> into the kernel.

This is obviously true. If a userspace program wants to make use of
interrupts it needs kernel assistance. For tasks that are not critical in
terms of timing, we could imagine a kernel module which then passes a
signal or an IPC message to the userspace program.

Does GGI really use interrupts generated by graphics devices and take any
profit out of this?

Kurt Garloff, Dortmund
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