Re: Flashdisk, M-Systems, Devicedriver, TrueFFS, Booting

Emil Briggs (
Mon, 19 Jan 1998 10:05:24 -0500 (EST)

>i have a M-Systems Flashdisk PCD-896 (ISA) with 4 MB. With an
>BIOS-Extension and TrueFFS it's possible to access the disk
>like an normal harddisk (realtime stuff under DOS)...
>I like to boot a very small linux from that Flashdisk into RAM. But after
>switching to protected-mode i need a kernel-driver, or?
>I searched for a kernel-driver for this hardware, but i didn't found any.
>But in devices.txt i found this:

Hello Jochen
I did some contract work for Megatel computers a few months ago -- they
make SBC's and wanted to get Linux running on them since some of their
customers had inquired about the possibility. Anyway their boards use
flash memory from M-Systems with the TrueFFS. Like you I booted DOS and
then loaded a linux kernel from the flash -- I inquired about obtaining
information about how to write a device driver for the flash but was
told that it would be difficult since M-systems doesn't want to release
that information so I didn't pursue it any further. Anyway unless M-systems
changes it's position I don't think it's possible unless you want to try
some reverse engineering.
