Modular sound and kerneld

B. James Phillippe (bryan@Terran.ORG)
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 22:08:58 -0800 (PST)


I want to thank David Woodhouse for posting a patch that fixed my
sound module problem. Now onto the next big leap. I've looked through
the kernel source for any comments or suggestions on how to configure
/etc/modules.conf so that all the appropriate modules are loaded properly
and automatically when I try to use my soundcard. But I can't find any
documentation. I got it working looking at the MODULE_PARM exports for
sb_card.c, by loading all the modules by hand. Does anyone have an
example modules.conf I can look at?


B. James Phillippe <bryan@Terran.ORG>
UNIX, Linux, networks, C, Perl, Java, etc.