Re: Using >1GB RAM

Gerd Knorr (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 09:42:53 +0100

"Albert D. Cahalan" <> writes:

>> no, the PPro 'bigphys' feature extends physical memory space to 64G
>> (actually extends it to 64 bits, but i guess the CPU itself is 64G
>> limited), but logical address space will stay pure 32 bits.

>The Pentium Pro feature extends physical memory, while the old
>segmentation hack extends virtual memory to 48 bits.

>The only 32-bit limits would be the stack, the code, and the
>size of individual data objects. Total data can be huge.

No. Your adress goes throuth the segmentation MMU, and you get a
*32* bit linear address. This goes throuth the page tables, and
you get a 36 bit physical address. You can't access more than
4GB at once. If you want to use more than 4GB, you have to switch
page tables.


"Wo kämen wir hin, wenn alle sagten, wo kämen wir hin, und niemand ginge
hin, um einmal zu schauen, wohin man käme, wenn man ginge."  -- Kurt Marti