[2.1.79] sound and IDE DMA

B. James Phillippe (bryan@Terran.ORG)
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 23:08:02 -0800 (PST)


There is a good probability that I've missed something somewhere
along the way up to 2.1.79. If I have, I apologize for posting. But, I'm
having two problems that have persisted for a very long time now (up
through many kernel revisions) and still don't appear to work. The first
is that I'm compiling SoundBlaster support as a module and it doesn't
work. If I try using something that requires sound, the kernel says
device is not configured and I see this in my log files:

Jan 13 22:48:47 earth modprobe: can't locate module `h^??^DB^F@$i^??^H^B

depmod -e says the following symbols are bad in sb.o:

/lib/modules/2.1.79/misc/sb.o: unresolved symbol(s)

Second problem is that my Western Digital caviar 3G EIDE drive doesn't
come up in DMA mode anymore, even though I answered yes to IDE-PCI and
IDE-DMA support. My chipset is a Intel 430FX. When I use hdparm -d1, it
says "Operation not permitted" (even though I'm root).

HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted

setting using_dma to 1 (on)
using_dma = 0 (off)

thanks for any advice,

B. James Phillippe <bryan@Terran.ORG>
UNIX, Linux, networks, C, Perl, Java, etc.