Re: devfs

Adam D. Bradley (
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 15:27:39 -0500 (EST)

> >> This whole debate is just screaming "CONFIG OPTIONS!!!"
> >>
> >> Solaris SCSI Device Name Compatibility [y/N]:
> >> Linux Old-style SCSI Name Compatibility [Y/n]:
> >> Custom SCSI Naming [y/N]:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >I think a standard naming scheme like sd_h0c0i0l0p2 will have to be
> >enforced (i.e. no config option), and the old scheme available as a
> >config option, and that's what I'll support. We need a simple,
> >understandable standard that works for everybody. It may not satisfy
> >everybody, but it will work.
> Agreed. If we have a single device naming standard, any sysadmin is
> guaranteed to have consistent device names across all Linux machines
> they may encounter. Multiple naming schemes (and particularly custom
> naming at the whim of the kernel compiler) break this in a big way.

In all honesty, I tend to agree with you, but I also know there are
cases where there may be legitimate reasons for having alternative
naming schemes. I perhaps went a little overboard (or was perhaps
being a bit fecetious, you decide ;->) suggesting complete
configurability, but having options for Slowlaris compatibility and
the likes could be useful. Perhaps, once the underlying architecture
stabilizes, a small set of well-defined options (and those not
mutually exclusive of each other) is a workable compromise. As long
as the existing architecture allows a device to have more than one
name, this is easily doable. This could allow, f.e., the choice of
whether to use the suggested /dev/disk /dev/tape etc subdirectories or
just have everything in a flat /dev, and other such "taste" (read:
formerly pure "policy") decisions.

Again, just rambling...


Things look so bad everywhere      Adam D. Bradley
In this whole world what is fair        Boston University Computer Science
We walk blind and we try to see             Ph.D. student and Linux hacker
Falling behind in what could be  ---->  Bring me a Higher Love  ---->  <><