Re: Are IP addresses where the last byte is 255 invalid?

Tue, 13 Jan 1998 14:49:26 +0100 (MET)

Generally , IP adresses , where the host-address part are all 1, are
used as the broadcast address.
But this is AFAIK not mandatory, U could use any other address as

But broken software may rely on the default behaviour and may
not work correctly with 'weird' settings.


As for Your mail : please use full IPs ( 212.0 and 215.255 - what are those ??? ) they are probably the last two bytes of addresses , right ?

and also use numerical addresses , not DNS names ( gw-ostenfeld.k- , gw-bergsoe.k-ne, carlsberg5.kamp etc. )


Now the answers :

1. If all Your linux boxes respond to 212.255 , then they obviously think that this is the broadcast address, which it is off course not . Check their network setup ! if U dont specify the broadcast address explicitly for the ifconfig command then it will pick x.x.x.255 for C class networks, but isn't correct for Your network !

Weird that they dont respond to ping from ormen ...

Do they correctly respond to the real broadcast address 215.255 ???

David Balazic , student
E-mail:       |             sLOVEnija
Computer: Amiga 1200 + Quantum LPS-340AT