2.0.3x nfs and fifos

Neil Clifford (clifford@astro.ox.ac.uk)
Fri, 9 Jan 1998 14:45:24 +0000 (GMT)

Hello linux shaped people,

Am I one sandwich short of a picnic or....is something up with the linux
nfs client code?

Running the following machines:

alphabox: DEC Alpha running Digital Unix 4.0, serving my home directory
linuxbox: PPro running Redhat 4.2, 2.0.32 kernel

in my home directory on linuxbox:

linuxbox>mknod wibble p
linuxbox>ls -al wibble
-rw------- 1 clifford users 0 Jan 9 14:35 wibble

then on alphabox:

alphabox>ls -al wibble
-rw------- 1 clifford users 0 Jan 9 14:35 wibble
alphabox>/bin/rm wibble
alphabox>mknod wibble p
alphabox>ls -al wibble
prw------- 1 clifford users 0 Jan 9 14:36 wibble

and then back on linuxbox:

linuxbox>ls -al wibble
crw------- 1 clifford users 255, 255 Jan 9 14:36 wibble

hmmmm. In another cluster I have home directories served from a Sun
SPARC running Solaris 2.5.1 and the client is a PPro running Redhat 4.2
with a 2.0.30. I see exactly the same problem. Also with RH 5.0/2.0.32
as the client.

Mount options included dev and were performed both manually and with

Any ideas/explanations appreciated.

