Re: again security proposal

Egor Egorov (
Tue, 30 Dec 1997 21:47:47 +0000 (GMT)

On Mon, 29 Dec 1997, Yuri Kuzmenko wrote:

> configurable option, and we need to make subsection in kernel config for
> security "features"


I have one proposal. While I work quiet near Yuri, I don't agree with him.
Of _course_ we cannot afford such a costly thing as standard violation in
this ugly way.

But. We can concider denial of not-owner-hardlinks as a security feature
for some special systems. I.e. this can be security option in kernel.

Thoose, who wants it this way - will enable it. For example, near
everybody who runs ifmail, will need it.

I can even imagine not-owner-hardlinks as not the only security option in
security options config sections.

What do you think?

// Егор Егоров.