2.1.67: eth0: Interrupted while interrupts are masked!

Jochen Heuer (jogi@planetzork.ping.de)
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 02:37:37 +0100


while using kernel 2.1.67 I receive lots of one of the following

eth0: Interrupted while interrupts are masked! isr=0x2 imr=0x0.

eth0: Interrupted while interrupts are masked! isr=0x1 imr=0x0.

Some informations about my system:

planetzork:/ # uname -a
Linux planetzork 2.1.67 #1 Sun Nov 30 04:01:19 MET 1997 i586 unknown

planetzork:/ # cat /proc/modules
sr_mod 17244 0 (autoclean) (unused)
cdrom 4888 0 (autoclean) [sr_mod]
hisax 73716 1
isdn 73960 4 [hisax]
slhc 4524 0 [isdn]
nfsd 143180 1 (autoclean)
lockd 26312 1 (autoclean) [nfsd]
sunrpc 47456 1 (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
ne 5992 1 (autoclean)
8390 5740 0 (autoclean) [ne]
dummy0 728 1 (autoclean)

planetzork:/ # cat /proc/interrupts
0: 7918802 timer
1: 351 keyboard
2: 0 cascade
4: 127 serial
9: 163333 aic7xxx
10: 589477 NE2000
13: 8 fpu
15: 62542 HiSax
NMI: 0

What further informations can I provide?



Well, yeah ... I suppose there's no point in getting greedy, is there?

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