Re: Success with new 3c59x driver (0.47)

The Cowguin Elfpimp 9001[tm] (
Sun, 30 Nov 1997 14:07:07 -0800 (PST)

And while on the subject of 3c5* drivers, i've been pounding away on this
3c509 (with the latest driver from Becker's page, minorly tweaked to
compile under 2.1), and it still refuses to work. It would be a good idea
to include a new version of 3c5x9.c in the new kernels, but maybe someone
could look into that Tx w/o Rx bug? :)

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-- Chicago Reader 10/15/82 .

On Sun, 30 Nov 1997, Troels Arvin wrote:

> I have previously reported problems with Linux and a 100mbit 3com 905
> Boomerang network device (silent but very efficient server freezes).
> The solution for me used to be to patch the driver with a patch that RedHat
> use in their kernel source.
> However, now there is a new version of the driver: v. 0.47 dated Nov 13 at
> - And it seems to work fine without any patches (has been tested for four
> days on my web-server).
> I recommend that the new driver be included in the kernel-source packages.
> Greetings from Troels Arvin, Copenhagen, Denmark