Re: Frozen machine, no obvious reason

Mihai Ibanescu (
Fri, 28 Nov 1997 11:05:34 +0200 (EET)

On Fri, 28 Nov 1997, lists wrote:

> It could be someone is doing what is called a teardrop attack ... goto
> and get the patch and see if it stops happening

No way. Teardrop attack is fixed in 2.0.32, and I have
successfully tried it on 2.0.31 kernels. The behaviour is not this.
Teardrop quickly eats up all system memory and reboots in 2 seconds.
As I said, all I can do is to say what WAS NOT. No, it was not
f00f or teardrop. Nor fork bombing, since I was watching closely the
processes, and no one was above 1%. Maybe top is buggy, but it showed at
least 80% free CPU. That's why I suspect a memory leak, since everything
was in swap. By the way, if all the memory is full and the system uses the
swap, is the system load growing? IMHO, it should not, but I don't know
how those numbers written in uptime are computed and what exactly they
mean. I have to read about it.

best wishes,


Mihai Ibanescu Dynamic Network Technologies Moara de Foc 35, et. 7, 6600 Iasi tel. +40-32-252936