RE: Triton DMA

Doug Ledford (
Thu, 27 Nov 1997 15:59:31 -0600 (CST)

On 27-Nov-97 Hubert Mantel wrote:
>there have been rumours about Triton DMA causing filesystem corruption. It
>seems that these rumours are true. I just got a definite feedback of
>someone who gets filesystem corruption when copying large amounts of data
>from an ext2fs to an vfat filesystem. The problem was perfectly
>reproducible. After disabling the Triton DMA support the problem was gone.

There are a number of these reports. It appears that with different
hardware there are different results and I have yet to find any pattern to
it. All I've been able to do is for people that have problems, recommend
that they turn the support off and the problem usually goes away.

>Maybe the default should be changed to "no" for triton DMA. Additionally
>the should be corrected. Currently it states:
>"It is safe to say Y to this question".

I myself would recommend this as well. A note that on some systems this
causes problems and to disable this support if you see anything strange
would be wise I think.

E-Mail: Doug Ledford <>
Date: 27-Nov-97
Time: 15:59:32