joystick driver ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---...

Meino Christian Cramer (
Thu, 27 Nov 1997 17:52:29 -0000 (???)

Hi !

Something strange happens to me...

I have tried to use a analogous joystick with my linux box.

On my soundcard (GUS PnP) there is a game port, I planned to
use. First I have connected the joystick to the soundcard and
boot my box.

Then I insmod'ed the joystick module. in /var/adm/messages
appears a "Found 2 joysticks" -- NICE!

I have done a cat /proc/devices, cat /proc/ioports and
cat proc/modules.
All reports the joystick. SUCCESS! (success?)

Then I started a joystick calibration program, which dies
with "ENODEV -- no such device". GRMMMPHHFFF!

I inserted in the module code some marks, what "return -ENODEV"
is to be found guilty.

It was in js_read() the second "return -ENODEV", It seems
that something timeout too early. Ok, I incresed the JS_DEF_TIMEOUT
in include/linux/joystick.h, recompiled the module -- same result.

The sound card is initialized correctly.
The devices in /dev are set up correctly.
/etc/conf.modules is ok.

WHAT I am doing wrong???

Or have I found a bug?
(There was some comments from changes made to this js_read
due to some problems with timeouts -- it was the most recent change.....

PLease help me or give me a hint....

(Otherwise my collegues have another chance praise Gates
and his micro soft thing ... ;-)

PS: Exactly the same symptoms happened to a friend of mine
with a totally different soundcard (with game port)...


E-Mail: Meino Christian Cramer <>
Date: 27-Nov-97
Time: 17:38:16

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