Re: Error compiling Linux kernel 2.1.66 with egcs-2.90.18

Jeffrey A Law (
Thu, 27 Nov 1997 00:47:02 -0800

In message <>you write:
> Hi,
> egcs-2.90.18 971122 does not compile Linux kernel 2.1.66 for me.
> I get the following :
> gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/users/stefan/kernel/linux/include -Wall -Wno-sign-compa
> re -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fno-exceptions -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -m4
> 86 -DCPU=486 -c -o process.o process.c
This is a bug in an asm inside process.c. It is not a bug in egcs.

It worked with gcc-2.7 and older versions of egcs because they did not do a
good job at discovering loop invariants. Newer versions of egcs find more
loop invariants and as a result expose problems with the asm in process.c


----- End of forwarded message from Jeffrey A Law -----