Re: 2.1.66 smbfs oops

Chris Wedgwood (
Thu, 27 Nov 1997 19:15:32 +1300

Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 21:13:25 -0500
From: Bill Hawes <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Chris Wedgwood <>
Subject: Re: 2.1.66 smbfs oops
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
References: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> linux-2.1.66: smbfs seems to have trouble reconnecting. Sometimes it
> works but usually it doesn't... (connection are to NT).

I'd like to figure out what's happening here -- I've never seen a
reconnection failure, but at least one other user has reported this. My
Linux <-> NT connection drops frequently, but always reconnects on the
next reference to smbfs. Perhaps you could attach to the smbclient
process and see what it's doing after it gets the signal from smbfs?

OK... I did this but I put the box behind a firewall and let it timeout on
TCP to try and expedite the test.

I traced it and nothing happened. Just sat their in pause. I got the
following messages the first time I tried to access the volume (doing 'df'):

smb_get_length: recv error = 110
smb_request: result -110, setting invalid
smb_retry: timed out, try again later

and from that point onwards I would get just

smb_retry: timed out, try again later

netstat would report the connection was open still... which in theory it
probably was except the firewall didn't know about it any more.

I will try without the firewall (which is the situation I was originally in)
as this should mean the tcp connection is actually closed, but I still don't
think the current behavior is necessarily correct...

The trace did terminate when I unmounted the volume (as expected).

> Anyhow... I though I'd be clever and send smbclient a SIGUSR1 to help it
> along... (yeah, did dumb shit as a kid too)

It looks like smbclient packed up and left after it got the signal, and
maybe closed the socket smbfs was using?

Nope. smbclient was still there. The socket was still open... I'm not sure
why it oopsed though. I'll try some more experiments and get back to you.

Hmmm... I think I'll go and try this with a '95 box and restart it. That
should be a reasonable test I would think. Should have done that earlier...
