Re: 2.1.66 smbfs oops

Bill Hawes (
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 21:13:25 -0500

Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> linux-2.1.66: smbfs seems to have trouble reconnecting. Sometimes it works
> but usually it doesn't... (connection are to NT).

I'd like to figure out what's happening here -- I've never seen a
reconnection failure, but at least one other user has reported this. My
Linux <-> NT connection drops frequently, but always reconnects on the
next reference to smbfs. Perhaps you could attach to the smbclient
process and see what it's doing after it gets the signal from smbfs?

> Anyhow... I though I'd be clever and send smbclient a SIGUSR1 to help it
> along... (yeah, did dumb shit as a kid too)

It looks like smbclient packed up and left after it got the signal, and
maybe closed the socket smbfs was using?
