Re: Network Setup w/Digital DC21041 Tulip

Alan Cox (
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 00:53:27 +0000 (GMT)

> Ethernet is a broadcast protocol, not point to point, even if you do
> only have two hosts. The IP layer may be able to figure out the right
> settings itself, or then again it might not.

IP doesnt care. You can route pointopoint on ethernet and you can have
ARP driven pointopoint links.

> > 10:32:35.596246 b5:0:2f:0:20:0 ad:0:11:0:26:0 ef00 60:
> > 4300 5600 5400 2600 f000 7200 b300 9900
> > fd00 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
> > ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
> Don't know what this is offhand, but it's not ARP. You don't specify
> the MAC addresses in use, so I don't know which way it's going either.

Its multicast (b5&1==1)

> Your Windows box isn't answering the ARP requests. You don't know
> whether or not it's receiving them in the first place, unless you can
> get tcpdump or similar on the Windows box.

Make sure the TCP/IP is attached to the ethernet on the windows box.