RE: Linux 2.0.32 and DEC 21142 Ethernet

Doug Ledford (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:06:01 -0600 (CST)

On 25-Nov-97 Jos Vos wrote:
>Can anyone tell me if the Digital 21142 chip should work fine with
>Linux 2.0.32? I'm considering to buy a Digital system with a built-in
>21142, but I have serious doubts about the support for this chip in
>2.0.x, after searching for information using AltaVista and Dejanews.

That's a good question. The de4x5 driver update that went into 2.0.30 (or
was it in 2.0.31) was suppossed to add support for these cards, but I can't
say myself since I haven't used them. The next update to that driver is
also suppossed to clean up a few bugs here and there specifically in
relation to those cards. There is a patch available against 2.0.32 that
updates the de4x5 driver to version 0.53, which is the latest version as
posted by the author of the driver to linux-net about a week ago. It would
be nice to know how this version of the driver works compared to the older
versions. Specifically, does it properly support the chipset you mentioned,
and does it finally fix the problem with DE500 cards in 100Mbit/s mode?
Anybody want to test this out and let me know? The patch is available on
the LMP website under the additional patches area for now. For those of you
who don't recall, the LMP website is at

E-Mail: Doug Ledford <>
Date: 25-Nov-97
Time: 12:06:02