Suggestion for a new list?

Allanah Myles (
Thu, 30 Oct 1997 17:01:53 -0500

I've seen the recent discussion about digest vs. regular mail, and all
the ideas about compression and such...

How about a moderated list, instead? Most of the subscribers to
linux-kernel (read: when I say most, I just mean a significant number)
simply lurk and read, and of those, most only read a portion of the
mail they receive.

Since posting to comp.os.linux.announce are generally quite useless to
kernel hackers and the like, and linux-kernel@vger is a bit spammy
at times (of every 100 messages, only about 5 are of any real use),
I think a moderated mailing list, like linux-kernel-announce, would
be quite useful for most of us. I know I would be able to unsubscribe
from linux-kernel if there was such a list when that really useful
information (actual verified working patches/solutions, etc) were
sent to the linux-kernel-announce list.

Any thoughts? Try to follow-up privately to avoid raising the noise
to signal ratio on the actual list. *grin* (Of course, I've violated
this very rule, just now, myself...)


    Now I'm who I want to be, where I want to be, doing what I've always said I
    would and yet I feel I haven't won at all...      (Aug 9, 95: Goodbye, JG.)
"You should change your .sig; not that the world revolves around me." -s. sadie