Re: ULTRA DMA HDD (question)

Kim-Hoe Pang (
Sat, 4 Oct 1997 12:45:28 +0000

> Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 13:45:02 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Boris <>
> Reply-to: Boris <>
> To:
> Subject: ULTRA DMA HDD

> I was wondering if anyone knows if Linux currently supports the Ultra DMA
> hard drives. I recently bought a SAMSUNG 3.4 GB Ultra DMA hard drive and I
> slackware 3.3 and at some point I got a lot of error messages like
> "Address mark not found", "Uncorrectable error"... etc. Very weird.
> appreciate that. (Oh, forgot to mention that the motherboard has an Intel
> 430TX chipset that supports the UDMA hard drives, so the problem could not
> come from the motherboard). The computer is an Intel Pentium 233MMX with

Could you please provide your BIOS settings. I noticed similar
error messages when I wrote a UDMA patch for kernel 2.1.x, but I
can't repeat the problem now as I've lost access to the UDMA drive.
(The patch was sent to you on a private mail).
