Swap Partitions (was) Re: ULTRA DMA HDD (swapping)

ADAM Sulmicki (adam@cfar.umd.edu)
Sat, 4 Oct 1997 14:31:30 -0400 (EDT)

Still I think the design of swap [and ext2 etc] paritions could be
improved a bit. Someone awhile ago mentioned about
partitions-in-a-partition, so that you could create one more 'dos'
partition and 'hide' inside of it several, be it swap or ext2, 'linux'

The reason for this is that IIRC, if you want to boot OS it needs be on
primary partition, and you are limited to either 4 primary and no extended
parititions or 3 primary and "many" partitions in extended partition

Now if you create linux box,

you first create a small HDA1 being dos partition (depending on size of
you hdd it would be anything from 30-100mb), you would use it for
brain-dead drivers which require dos (and even sometimes win) to setup
the card (NIC,etc), to flash bios etc and finally to use w/ dosemu -- no
you don't want kill yourself w/ floppies :) -- such paritition is very
handy instead of searching for floppies each time and then having to boot
from them and then working at speeds of XT w/ turbo :)

Then you probably will want followd other unixes and create

second paritition, HDA2, being the root directory for linux,
it is up to your taste how much to put there, I did allocate 250mb
what is a bit of overkill.

then you create swap HDA3,

at this point you have used the 3 primary partitions, so you now create
HDA4 being extended parition and in it you create

and then other partitions like /home (HDA5) /usr (HDA6) /var (HDA7)
w/ 2gb, 3gb and 1.1 gb respectively.

Now my problem is that I have forgotten that it is Linux not
some-other-unix, so parition size is limited to 128mb and I allocated for
swap 160mb so effectively around 30mb is unfortunatelly being unused. and
I can't change it w/out dumping everything reparitioning and then restore.

BTW: any chances for path for ultra-dma for 2.0.31? I have both ultra-DMA
hdd and MB w/ TX chipsets, but I would rather to run 2.0.x instead of
