Re: Process Migration on Linux - Impossible?

Scott Laird (
Wed, 01 Oct 1997 14:22:22 -0700

In message <>, wr
>> Nope. Not so. You can't migrate a TCP/IP connection between machines ev>en
>I've been wondering about that. It would seem possible if the machine
>that receives the proces (let's call it B) is on the same net with ethernet.
>B would put it's card in promiscuous mode, and listen for packets that are
>meant for the port/ip adress of the application. The machine the process
>comes from (A) would stop responding to packets for that process. As long
>as the router accepts answers coming from the ethernet-adress of B
>(encapsulating perfectly good IP packets that are ok for the rest),
>it would seem that in fact B could
>take over A's network connection. A and B can compare notes ever so often to
>see whose card can best be put in promiscuous mode (maybe even both if
>there's also processes from B on A).

You can do even better with IPv6 (or even v4, if you don't mind
wasting huge tracts of address space). Just give each program that
needs the ability to migrate gets its own IP address. All connections
that the program opens use that IP address. Then, when it's time to
migrate, move the address along with the process. It'll need a bit of
kernel support on both ends of the migration, but it'll be completely
transparent to everyone else, assuming that both the old and new
computers are on the same physical network.
