Re: Boot time warnings from insmod

Robert Shepard (
Mon, 29 Sep 1997 19:15:17 -0600 (MDT)

> the box) everything worked great. The system is super stable, reasonably
> responsive (given its limitations), and generally satisfying.
> However, after compiling a (very lean) custom kernel (make menuconfig;
> make dep; make clean; make zImage; make modules; make modules_install) and
> rebooting from that kernel, I get a large series of messages about
> unresolved symbols in various modules (most of which are regarding devices
> I don't have compiled into the kernel), and from insmod, saying the
> symbols don't match the kernel symbols. I can't give you the precise
> messages just now, as they don't get logged.

1 redhat puts every thing in /boot including The standard
kernel compile puts the vmlinuz and in /. look and lilo.conf
and be sure which kernel and are being referenced.

2) on boot redhat runs kerneld and modprobes/insmods (I forget which) lots
of modules. If you aren't running modules, don't load kerneld and run
through the init scripts and remove the references to modules you don't

3) remove unnecessary modules from /lib/modules/2.0.x for your kernel.
