Re: 2.0.31-pre9 -- floppy0: Unable to allocate DMA memory

Karl M. Hegbloom (
15 Sep 1997 21:43:30 -0700

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Ryde <> writes:

Daniel> Unable to allocate DMA memory

Since 2.0.30 I've been seeing:

Sep 15 08:14:07 bittersweet kernel: Sound error: Couldn't allocate DMA buffer

... after I patched up to pre-9, It stopped happening as often, but
still does after a while.

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 63496 60912 2584 19208 1328
-/+ buffers: 59584 1256
Swap: 122968 42876 80092 10564

It's using a lot more swap than I think it should too. Perhaps
there's a memory leak? Also, why isn't there a number under "cached"
anymore? There used to be... and it shows up in `top' still. Odd.

-- (Karl M. Hegbloom)
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.3.1+hamm  Linux pre-2.0.31-9+select+QNX  AMD K5 PR-133