Re: FAT32

Peter T. Breuer (
Mon, 4 Aug 1997 16:58:49 +0200 (MET DST)

"A month of sundays ago wrote:"
> I have download patch for FAT32 from :
> and compiled

Which patch and which kernel do you use? My patch (0.2.6) requires some
subdirectory called uvfat, which I don't have in my 2.0.25 kernel.

> I don't know how to change fstab or mtab , so Linux can see it.
> Let say my HD for FAT32 is :
> /hdc1 with name /win97

> Any idea ?

No. You are right, there is no clue on the web pages and the code
doesn't give it away either. I suppose you would have to at least
tell kerneld (via conf.modules) to load the new module when accessing
your fat32 device, and just maybe then the code will autodectect the
fat32 system. I see some indications of that in the code.
So maybe the mount option is just "fat" or "vfat" or "msdos".
I don't know. I have yet to be able to compile the patch with
CONFIG_UVFAT_FS enabled because of the missing "uvfat" subdirectory.

Peter T. Breuer MA CASM PhD. Ing., Prof. Asoc.
Area de Ingenieria Telematica E-mail:
Dpto. Ingenieria Tel: +34 1 624 99 53
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Fax: +34 1 624 94 30/65
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