Lets fix it! Re: kernel documentation is bad

Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.icarus.com)
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 23:18:04 +0800

> What would be really helpful is a small man page for every function within
> the kernel, and a few mino-howtos for some common driver writer tricks.
> DDI man pages.

amethyst@maxwell.ml.org said:
> Speaking of which, why did LDP take away section 9?

Who knows. Maybe we should re-introduce them... or make up our own set.

I'd be willing to play editor and collect submissions, as well as produce
a few pages myself. I can also provide some space on an FTP server to
store a tarball of the current collection. I can even set up a mailing
list for the process.

Writing Linux device drivers is part of my job description (embedded
programming is the other part) so I have an active interest in the subject.
I know I have fellow programmers in my company who would love to have a
few man pages, and wouldn't you all like to share the efforts of others?

Steve Williams

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep."