Re: The i2o Bus: A Conspiracy Against Free Software? (fwd)

Teunis Peters (
Sat, 19 Jul 1997 16:22:29 -0600 (MDT)

On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, Jason Burrell wrote:

> > Why would you choose PPC though? I think that PPC would be the ideal
> > architecture if Apple and IBM got their act together with the
> > PREP/CHRP/whatever standards. But until then I think that Alpha is a
> > better option because of greater popularity and greater CPU speed. Alpha
> > does have the drawback of having 2 different types of BIOS setups which are
> > totally incompatible...
> Great point. How much does a DEC Alpha run these days anyway?

Dec is currently dropping prices on their monsters... There's talk of a
233Mhz alpha-station in the $1500 range... Is that good? I don't know.

DEC and Intel are 'at war' [in lawsuits].... Rumors of alliance with AMD
and Cyrix to produce cheap alpha clones.... hard to say really.

This applies to linux-kernel area doesn't it? I mean, if Alpha's start
dropping in price don't they make good computers for linux?

- Teunis

[thinking of upgrading to Alpha and leaving intel nonsense behind...]
[but Alpha is PCI maybe i2o will show up there too?]