Re: [patch] x86 penguin logo: some modif. to #4

Gerd Knorr (
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 10:01:53 +0200

In article <>, you wrote:
>I'm sorry, I have not saved the original posting, so I don't know who is
>working on the penguin logo but I have added some new features to the
>x86 penguin code (based on the penguin patch #4):
>* Display penguin at the initial boot (no penguin after init execution).
Hmm, I personaly like to have the penguin displayed for a longer and
turn it off just before starting a getty...

>* Show some info about the hardware.
This probably requires some more #ifdef's if this should work on
alphas too. The tga.c file has a set_get_font too, so getting the
penguin on a alpha probably is easy...

>Just another word, to the coder of the initial version of this penguin:
>how about reverse the B/W colors of your penguin ? I think it will be a better
>penguin :)

[ ... letting the pbm2font program flip the bits ... ]

yes looks better :-)
