Re: kernel-managed /dev, revisited

Horst von Brand (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 18:33:43 -0400

Miguel de Icaza <> said:
> Actually, I like Ted's idea better: Have the kernel scan the disk
> labels at boot time for every partition detected and grab a list of
> the disk labels on those partitions (you will need to label your file
> systems of course).

> And then, instead of using devices for mouting your file systems, you
> just mount them by name:

> mount usr /usr
> mount MyToys /opt

What if you've got filesystems that don't take labels? Or just a small set
of "standard" ones? What if you've got _two_ usr filesystems (my case: a
RedHat "working" system, and a "test-drive" Debian one)? What if some of
the partitions aren't filesystems but just raw devices (like a floppy you
simply tar over), or before mkfs-ing it? Or filesystems/devices that need
to load a module to access?

I do like the idea, but at the kernel level I'd prefer to KISS and just use
low-level descriptors for simplicity.

Dr. Horst H. von Brand             
Departamento de Informatica                     Fono: +56 32 654431
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria              +56 32 654239
Casilla 110-V, Valparaiso, Chile                Fax:  +56 32 797513