Re: Rules.make minor improvement

F.D. (
Sun, 1 Jun 1997 03:05:41 +0200 (MET DST)


The patch doesn't work for me. Without it, I always got this:

cdrom.o -> ..//cdrom.o
mcdx.o -> ..//mcdx.o worked fine when called from command line
but called from make it always returns an empty string.
With your patch applied I get this:

lp.o -> ..//linux/lp.o
rd.o -> ..//linux/rd.o
slip.o -> ..//linux/slip.o

Again, typing echo $${PWD#$$TOPDIR/} from command line in
Again, typing echo ${PWD#$TOPDIR/} from command line in
/linux/fs/isofs with TOPDIR=/linux retuns: fs/isofs

I`m using "GNU Make version 3.75"

Thanks for help!