Re: Ext2fs and hashed table.

Benjamin Saller Bender (
Fri, 30 May 1997 15:03:55 -0400

" ;The Doctor What" <> writes:
>[Ideas about an OO DB File System omitted]
>Sounds great, except for one make the interface consistant,
>you'd probably have to write a whole new Operating System for it.
>Actually, that might be for the best. You could integrate RAM into the
>FS (or the FS into the RAM depending how you look at it) and make no
>distictions between a "running program" object and a "data" object. In
>addition, you could make it a persistant memory model, so that turning
>on the computer would get you to the exact same state as when you
>turned it off!
Thats exactly what I am working on. ;> And more....

Benjamin Saller Bender 			<>
AppliedTheory Communications		Software Engineering Group               Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.