Re: still lockups with netscape in 2.1.41

Roy P. Turner (
Wed, 28 May 1997 20:14:19 -0500

In message <>, Joe Fouche writes:
> fritz.crusius said:
> > just been solidly locked with Netscape once more using 2.1.41. Sometimes,
> I can confirm this one. It lasts about 6 hours before this happens, at least
> for me.
> I'm going to keep running it, at the peril of my filesystems, to see if it wi
> ll
> die *without* my ever running netscape.

Though i also get many locks while running netscape, most of my locks
occur when xdm gets started by init in run level 5. xdm will start
and the whole thing locks solid :/. I've seen this in 2.1.37 though
pre-2.1.42-2 single processor i386.
