WARNING: check your destination addresses!! (was Re: Unsolicited Internet mail)

Kevin Buhr (buhr@stat.wisc.edu)
28 May 1997 11:01:44 -0500

Troy Morrison <troy@v-com.com> writes:
[ . . . something he carbon copies to the US President's office . . . ]

When replying to an email, it's always important to triple check the
list of destination addresses your mail client has generated. This is
especially important for replies to emails received from a list, where
the original list of destination addresses might be awfully weird.

It's terribly easy to forget, and, as we can see here, even pretty
sophisticated computer geeks like ourselves can fall into this
particular trap.

Now, we all know that some $5/hour summer student charged with
actually *reading* "president@whitehouse.gov" correspondence has
already crashed her Windoze Internet Exploiter trying to drag all
incoming mail to the "Printer Setup" icon, so no harm has been done,
but if Troy had half-wittedly joked about bomb threats, his
inadvertent "CC" might have landed him in some lukewarm water.

Additionally, it's not a bad idea to avoid carbon copying "open
letters" to lists and/or sending them to newsgroups with the "CC"
header intact. Send a separate copy instead.

Kevin <buhr@stat.wisc.edu>