Re: naive question: kernel CVS repository

Jared Mauch (
Wed, 28 May 1997 05:08:35 -0400 (EDT)

I'm not certain that this would be a good idea.. too many folks
without a clue would probally end up getting access to the developers
private hacks, etc.. that it would be more of a support nightmare.

For the truly bleeding edge folks, perhaps an automagical
linux-YYMMDD.tar.gz could end up someplace, but this would be subject
to the same problems.

Someone was (awhile back) reading the kernel->kernel patches
and posting what got changed in the release versions.. I don't recall
seeing that in awhile, so I'll start doing it and posting to linux-kernel
each time a new kernel is released. (Hell, i may even set it up so my
pager goes off within 10-20 mins of a new kernel so that I can post the
change summary asap).

- Jared

Alexander L. Belikoff boldly claimed:
> Hello everybody,
> I just have a naive question (no pun intended, no flame war
> required). Why don't us establish an "official" CVS repository for the
> kernel. This will allow people getting the updates automatically on a
> regular basis without having to fiddle with the whole kernel .tar.gz
> as well as with the patches (you know, sometimes you just cannot apply
> them cleanly, especially if you have 5-10 of them).
> Also, it would allow people apply only important patches. For example,
> if I am waiting impatiently for a Sony CDU31 driver improvement, I can
> just issue 'cvs diff' for this file only and check, whether something
> has been changed, instead of downloading every single patch and
> browsing through it.
> This strategy has been used by the FreeBSD community for ages (please,
> don't kick!!!) and IMHO, seems to be a very advanced and easy to
> use. After all there is no bad in borrowing the best features of
> others' systems.
> Regards,
> --
> -Alexander
> ==============================================================================
> Alexander L. Belikoff
> Berger Financial Research Ltd.
> =============================================================================

jared@CIC.Net - CICNET --------- jared@Nether.Net - Nether Network
"I've got a question"  "What is it?" "An interrogative expression often used 
to test knowledge, but that's not important right now."