Re: [PATCH] NMI trap revised (was Re: NMI errors in 2.0.30??)

Alan Modra (
Fri, 9 May 1997 11:53:16 +0930 (CST)

> +!
> +! Set NMI reporting bits
> +! RAM parity error set with 0x04, I/O parity error set with 0x08
> +!
> + inb al, 0x61
> + or al, #0x0C
> + call delay
> + outb 0x61, al
> + call delay
> +
> ! Get hd0 data
> xor ax,ax ! clear ax

Some people, believe it or not, have systems without RAM parity.

And, in case someone is wondering, on the PC-AT architecture it's not
possible to get the address of the read that caused an NMI. (without
disassembling code etc. etc.)