Re: Out of memory kernel death

Tim Hollebeek (tim@franck.Princeton.EDU)
Thu, 8 May 1997 13:21:42 -0400 (EDT)

Samuli Kaski writes ...
> But anyway I will throw in my input:
> Another method is to use the living time of processes. Usually
> system processes (including netscape and x :)) live for a
> considerable amount of time growing slowly in memory allocation
> and cpu usage. Normally all the forking/bombing/malfunctioning
> programs take up considerable amounts of resources immediatly.
> Ofcourse if such an feature is implemented there has to be a way
> to disable it for some processes since we still want to be able
> to run qw clients and servers :)
> (not forgetting those linux boxes that do number crunching
> and non-desktop work)

Actually, I want this problem resolved *because* I do number crunching.
Occasionally I accidentally run something that is a bit too big. I would
like the process to die gracefully and let me fix it. Instead I often
currently have to cycle the power, which makes me feel like I'm using

Tim Hollebeek | Disclaimer :=> Everything above is a true statement,
Electron Psychologist | for sufficiently false values of true.
Princeton University | email:
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