4 Mo limits ??

Blindauer Emmanuel (blindaue@md1.u-strasbg.fr)
Thu, 1 May 97 23:13:39 +0200

I compiled 4 differents kernels 2.1.xx.
All was ok.
But when i boot one of these kernel, i get the message:

less than 4 Mo Memory
-- system halted

I have tried to use the mem=8M before boot, but it doesn't help
I use a i486 dx4 75 with 8 Mo memory and 16 Mo swap.
using the slackware3.
and with a kernel 2.0.xx it boot.
(the bios, is a ami-bios, and the hard disk is a 800 Mo Ide Conner.
I use a ethernet card too: a intel etherexpress card)
If you can help......
Emmanuel Blindauer